Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Task 17 - Paly with Google around the World

I had a good time playing with Google Maps and Google Doc, of both I have heard but haven't really explored.

I have seen street directories on Google and they are quite useful - look exactly the same as the print version. But Google Maps are interactive and live. The live colour coded traffic information, the suggested route from A to B are all very useful. I looked at the suggested route from home to work and the options - they are pretty accurate!

I also made a "power point slides" presentation with Google Doc. Very much like Microsoft Power Point, it has all basic functions, enough for people to just make a simple slides presentation. I suppose the biggest advantage of using Google Doc is you don't need to worry about taking your USBs or CD/DVDs and compatibility issues. You are on to it as long as there is a computer and internet access! Of course you have to remember your login information :-). The ability of dragging and dropping images from a website to your ppt slide is really cool! Need to remember though if inserting images, it has to be smaller than 2mb.

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